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Fossil Shells by Southern Arrow

2 cups Florida fossil bivalve sea shells for jewelry supplies
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2 cups Florida fossil bivalve sea shells for jewelry supplies


2 cups of common Florida fossil bivalve sea shells all natural colors from 1 pit,these shells came from 1 shell pit and only in 1 spot in this pit that had a bunch of these colored bivalve halves and we picked up every one of these that we could find and once these shells are gone they are gone.
We personally found all of our fossil shells unless otherwise stated,which is about 99 percent of all of the fossil shells we put up. These are all natural color. These shells are used mainly for crafts, such as a filler for sailors valentines,picture frames,mixed art media,fairy and gnome gardens,terrariums,jewelry,earrings,etc. As you can see the quarter in picture to where you can see the size of the shells, you will get 2 cups similar to batch shown,as every batch is different.

2 cups Florida fossil bivalve sea shells for jewelry supplies
2 cups Florida fossil bivalve sea shells for jewelry supplies
2 cups Florida fossil bivalve sea shells for jewelry supplies
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs
  • 10 Units in Stock

2 cups Florida fossil bivalve sea shells for jewelry supplies
2 cups Florida fossil bivalve sea shells for jewelry supplies
2 cups Florida fossil bivalve sea shells for jewelry supplies

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